BAGSO publishes statement on the implementation of MIPAA

MIPAA / Madrid Plan logo The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (or MIPAA), adopted in Madrid in 2002, celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2022. But to what extent has it been implemented? What successes have been achieved? In which areas is there a need for action?

The United Nations reviews and evaluates the implementation of the international action plan every five years. This process involves civil society and older people to help Member States get feedback on the policies and programmes they have implemented.

BAGSO – Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen, AGE member in Germany, is participating in the national reporting and has surveyed its member associations and other civil society actors. The statement submitted by BAGSO to the United Nations is a contribution to the regional report on the implementation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Action Plan. This will be addressed at the UNECE Ministerial Conference in Rome in summer 2022.

Read BAGSO’s statement in English (German version available here)

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