AGE supports PalliativeCare2020 Event on 15 October 2014

A policy conference on Palliative and long-term care in Europe: towards evidence-based policy and practice with lively debate led by key stakeholders will be held at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels on 15 October 2014. The event, supported by AGE Platform Europe, will present the results from two large EU funded projects (IMPACT and Euro Impact).

The delivery of high quality long-term care for people with life-limiting illnesses is a major EU policy challenge and is also recognized within the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Such care should be person-centred and focused on the quality of life. Results from two large EU-funded projects are presented in this conference aiming to inform policy and decision-makers about the latest research on the importance and added value of palliative care in an age-friendly European Union. Presentations are provided by key researchers from the EU and US.

While palliative care has traditionally been oriented towards terminal cancer care, it also has huge potential if further integrated into the whole health care system and additionally has potential cost-saving effects.

The event is aimed at bational and international policy and decision-makers; civil servants; academics and researchers; health networks; representatives from national health services and from international bodies concerned with health ie EU; and many more…

More information and registration at

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