AGE members welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation whose outcome will accompany the Commission’s proposal for an EU strategy to combat violence against women.
As a European platform of older people’s organisations, AGE Platform Europe would like to recommend to the European Commission to tackle that the issue of violence against older women, in particular the very old and vulnerable in the proposed EU Strategy to combat violence against women . The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states in its Article 25 that “The Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life” and older women have the same right as women of any other age to be protected against any form of violence and abuse and to live a dignified life.
Following consultation with our membership, AGE decided to focus on the challenges, content of the strategy and synergies that should be developed to fight violence against older women.
To read the consultation, please click here.