AGE members actively raise awareness of Elder Abuse!

weaad-logo-sm 15th June is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The occasion for older people’s organisations across to shed light on an all too common and unacceptable form of abuse and call for more respect of human rights in older age.

We wish to share here some of their iniatives:

  • FIAPA, the International Federation of Older Persons, organises an online meeting ‘Respect for older persons and ageing well’ on 8 June 2023 17:00-19:00,, in the framework of the Conference of International NGOs of the Council of Europe – More information here | Registration here
  • save_logo Anziani e non solo, AGE member from Italy, will share a social media e-card on 15th June to encourage everyone to take action against elder abuse. ANS has developed an e-learning course to sensitise on the topic as part of the EU-funded project SAVE aimed at improving identification and intervention on violence against older persons in social and health care settings.
  • Pensionistförbundet, AGE member from Norway, will publish an article and hold a webinar on their website and Facebook page.
  • In Germany, BAGSO will issue a press release on 14 June, the day before World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, calling specifically for ombudsperson at regional (Länder) level to protect the rights of older persons in need of care or being otherwise dependent on other persons. In general, BAGSO calls for a stronger legal framework to protect the rights of older persons.
  • AGE Spanish member CEOMA calls in a press release for a cultural change and education of the new generations, starting from childhood. It also denounces the lack of information on abuse and mistreatment of older people. CEOMA calls for a global approach to older poeple’s care that integreates different perspectives to cover not only their physical needs but also their emotional, cognitive, social and community needs.
  • In Belgium, Respect Senior is organising a walk on Sunday, 18 June 2023 to raise public awareness of elder abuse. Different lengths (5, 10, 15, 20km and PRM) will be proposed together with a themed quiz on with a few prizes to be won. Three nursing homes will participate and present a photo exhibition under the slogan “For us, respect means…”.
  • In Serbia, the Red Crossof Serbia held a public conference on 15 June with representatives of INPEA, the International Network for the Prevention of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and UNFPA. Before the confrere,ce on 14 June, the Red Cross organised another panel discussion on Elder Abuse, with a focus on Gender-Based Violence in older age. The discussion was introduced by the head of the town assembly of the municipality of Pirot and the director of the Chamber for Social Protection. Furthermore, the Red Cross of Serbia delivered training to personnel of nursing homes on elder abuse in Belgrade and Indjija.

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