AGE joins European Coalition for Vison calling for common EU indicators for eye health

ECV logoAGE Platform Europe has recently joined the European Coalition for Vision (ECV), which calls for the creation and implementation of a common EU-wide eye health indicator in order to help better shape European public policy in that area.

The ECV is an alliance of professional bodies, patient groups, European NGOs, disabled people’s organisations, trade associations representing suppliers and research groups, which have joined forces to call on the European Union institutions to use their power and influence to prioritise vision and eye health and the rights of persons with vision impairment.

WSD14 logoOn the occasion of the World Sight Day on 9th October 2014, aimed at raising worldwide public awareness of blindness and vision impairment, the ECV sent a press release to publicize their message.

Considering the high prevalence of loss of sight among older people, it was obvious for AGE Platform Europe to join the coalition making sure we can improve the situation and prevent visual impairment, which has a strong impact on the quality of life of older people. Indeed vision is a key element for an active and healthy old age. On the other hand, AGE is also keen to liaise the work done by the ECV with its campaign on age-friendly environments to support independent living and take into account the situation of older people with visual impairments.

ECV website:

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