AGE General assembly adopts 2012 Declaration

At their annual General Assembly, AGE members adopted a Declaration urging EU leaders and Member States to put employment at the top of their political priorities and to adoptstrong measures to boost the EU economy, job creation and social cohesion, and to promote a new European society based on greater solidarity, equity and cooperation between and within generations. They also called on the EU to follow the recommendation of the Committee of the Regions and establish a European Covenant of Mayors [1]on Demographic Change, to create the political framework for local and regional authorities to promote age-friendly environments and a society for all ages across the EU, and to encourage local and regional authorities to join the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and establish national programmes to support them.

In this Declaration, AGE Platform and its members also acknowledge that together with rights, older people have duties towards other generations, society and the communities they live in, and call on older people to help rebuild trust and confidence in the future and invest in sectors that will create jobs and growth.

To access the Declaration, click here

Translations in French , Italian, Bulgarian and Catalan are also available.

[1] There exists already a European Covenant of Mayors on Smart Energy.

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