Strengthening the Legitimacy of the European Semester: Hearing Report

EU Semester Alliance CSR proposals for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable EU

On 7 April 2014, at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), theSemester Alliance, which AGE platform is part of, was launched and it presented its initial assessment of the Semester – Proposals for 2014 Country-Specific Recommendations – drawing on the work of Alliance partners’ national members. There was then a round-table debate with the EU institutions and other stakeholders on the way forward to get the European Semester to deliver on its promises for inclusive and sustainable growth, and to increase democratic legitimacy.
This event was hosted by Maureen O’Neill, President of the Social Affairs Section of the EESC and in the round table were the following members of the European Commission and the European Parliament: Nicholas Costello, Deputy Head of Unit: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Outi Slotboom, Head of Unit: DG Economic and Financial Affairs, Marije Cornelissen (Greens/EFA) and Jürgen Klute (GUE).
Click here to access the HEARING REPORT

And here for the Alliance’s initial assessment of the Semester: Proposals for 2014 Country-Specific Recommendations: Progressing on a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive EU

Follow the Alliance here! | #semesteralliance

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