Press release 3May10 – AGE updated publication on EU institutions

PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 3 May 2010

AGE new publication

AGE Platform Europe issues updated publication introducing European institutions and decision-making processes of relevance to older people

An ever increasing number of European Union policies have a direct impact on older people, especially since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009. With the new competences given to the European Parliament and the qualified majority voting extended to a wider range of policy areas, older people’s organisations and individual senior citizens have now more opportunities to become actively involved in important European debates, so as to advance the rights and interests of the 50+ in Europe.

This updated document is designed to improve public knowledge and understanding of the European institutions and of the main EU policy processes of relevance to older people. It aims to facilitate a wider understanding of the new EU legislative instruments and to explain how older citizens can get actively involved in civil dialogue through citizens’ groups and organisations to influence the outcomes of EU policy making.

The publication first takes a tour of the major European institutions and sets out their respective roles in the European decision making processes. The most relevant EU processes and policies are then explained both in terms of their background and current or new methods and for their relevance to older people.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Major changes resulting from the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
  • The European institutions and decision-making processes
  • European policies most relevant to older people
  • European Union history in brief
  • Possible future enlargements

  • Useful links

The brochure can be downloaded on AGE Platform Europe website in English and French. Printed publications can also be sent for free upon request at:


Link to the press release in word format

Lien vers le communiqué de presse en français

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