Parliament strongly supports civil society call for EU Year 2012

Brussels, 7th July 2011

European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

European Parliament strongly supports civil society call for European year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012)

We are thrilled with the overwhelming support Members of the European Parliament expressed today for the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012) with 557 votes in favour, 33 against and 15 abstentions”, said Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary General. The proposal to have 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations was launched several years ago by a coalition of European NGOs led by AGE Platform Europe. This Coalition now gathers around 30 European organisations which aim to create a society for all ages (EY2012 Coalition). AGE is convinced that everyone has a role to play to ensure that the ageing of our population is turned into an opportunity for everyone through the promotion of active ageing. All stakeholders should contribute to developing solutions that suit all age groups and to creating a society in which all generations are equally included and empowered to participate according to their capacities.

On 29 April 2011, the Coalition launched a joint leaflet on the EU Year 2012 to inform the public about the upcoming European Year and to mobilise a wide range of actors to support the Year’s objectives of active ageing at work, active ageing in society and support to independent living. Now that the European Parliament has adopted the proposal today, the Coalition will start to work on a Joint Roadmap and Manifesto for EY2012. The Roadmap will explain what the Coalition commits to do to support the objectives of the EY2012 and the Manifesto will outline what we would like others to do to foster participation of older people and create an age friendly environment across the EU. These documents will be presented at an event in the European Parliament. AGE Platform Europe, together with the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity, is organising this event in order to bring together a wide range of stakeholders, including the Coalition for the EY2012 and representatives of the EU institutions and Member States, to discuss examples of partnerships and initiatives that could be launched during the Year. The event will take place on 7 November 2011 from 14.00 to 17.00 in the European Parliament.

Maintaining the vitality of older people, enhancing their social participation and removing the barriers between generations should be in focus of activities all over the EU during the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, scheduled for next year.” said Mr Kastler, the rapporteur heading negotiations with the Council. “We hope that this European Year will be the opportunity for all relevant stakeholders to work together to build an age-friendly EU. To help local and regional actors promote active ageing and create smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU, AGE together with the Committee of Regions and the European Commission will soon launch a joint brochure on ‘Active Ageing: EU support to local and regional actors’. It will demonstrate what the EU is doing to support active and healthy ageing” added Ms Parent. “AGE and the other Coalition members will also make good use of their networks in order to ensure that organisations working at local, regional and national level are involved in this initiative and that partnerships at national level are also built for achieving an age-friendly EU by 2020” she added.


Useful links:

Presentation of the EY2012 Coalition:

EP Conference on 7 November:

EY2012 website:

Press release in pdf format

Communiqué de presse en français

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