News & Resources
“We accept rights violations in old age that would be unacceptable at any other age.” – Interview with Nena Georgantzi Featured in La Vanguardia
This interview highlights ageism as a systemic issue, the need for legal capacity to protect human rights in old age, and the push for a...
Watch That Attitude: Is There Ageism in Healthcare? – Interview with Nena Georgantzi Featured in Medscape
Discover the impact of ageism in healthcare through Nena Georgantzi’s interview, featured on Medscape alongside insights from other researchers.
Equality ‘downgrade’ in European Commission dismays rights groups – The Guardian
Article on a joint letter by more than 50 organisations (including AGE) criticizing Ursula von der Leyen’s decision to do away with the standalone EU...
Intergenerational solidarity – a concept spanning many generations – EESC Bulletin
AGE Platform Europe’s President Heidrun Mollenkopf has been interviewed for the September issue of the Civil Society Organisations’ Bulletin focusing on intergenerational solidarity in the...
News from the EU and UN on the rights of the older people – God Tid – SPF Newspaper
“Pensioners’ advocacy at European and UN level has continued during the summer months. The following events are of particular interest to us: 1) Equality becomes...
Standing against elder abuse – Maltatoday
“International organisations, such as the WHO and the United Nations, have developed guidelines and action plans to raise awareness, promote research, and encourage the implementation...
Heading off ageism means supporting patients—and physicians too – American Medical Association (AMA)
“The House of Delegates also directed the AMA to: Establish a definition of “age equity,” and consider adoption of the AGE Platform Europe vision: “Age...
UN States Recommend UN Convention to Protect Human Rights in Old Age – The European Times
Article of the European Times featuring AGE press release on the outcome 14th session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG). Read...
Demanding a Europe for all ages – God Tid – SPF Newspaper
“AGE, with millions of organised seniors across Europe, is calling on the next European Parliament to act so that we have a Europe for all...
AGE: Stop killing innocent people immediately! – God Tid – SPF Newspaper
“In recent years, there have been terrible wars in areas close to us – Ukraine and the Middle East/Gaza. Unbelievable! But what is most unbelievable...
Too young, too old, barred from voting – Speaking up in the EU Elections – EESC
Interview of Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf, President of AGE Platform Europe, in an episode of the Grassroots View of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)....
Changing the narrative: The future we want to see. Insights from older generations – SageJournal
Article by Ilenia Gheno, AGE Project Manager, for the reasearch online magazine SageJournals. The article explores some of the most recent policy tools and research...
Eu Elections: AGE Manifesto calls for action for a more equal Age Europe – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER
In the run up to the EU elections, Mr Filip Hamro-Drotz, member of the Finnish pensioners’ organisation Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF) and board member of AGE...
Joint Press Release on EU Elections 2024: AGE Member Svenska Pensionärsförbundet (SPF) is co-authoring with five other Finnish organisations
The Finnish pensioners’ organisation, Svenska Pensionärsförbundet (SPF), and board member of AGE Platform Europe, has joined forces with five other Finnish organisations in a joint...
EU elections are important for older citizens – SPF Seniorerna for the magazine SeniorDraken
EU elections are important for older citizens – Article by Mr Bengt Magnusson from SPF Seniors for the magazine SeniorDraken about the European elections in...
How are the interests of older people looked after in Europe? – God Tid – SPF Newspaper
“We are about 20,000 members of the Swedish Pensioners’ Federation SPF. We are members of one of the more than 70 local associations around Finland....
Europe should be for all ages AGE Manifesto 2024 – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER
Europe should be for all ages – Interview of Mr Filip Hamro-Drotz, member of the Finnish pensioners’ organisation Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF) and board member of AGE...
¿Habrá una Estrategia Europea para Personas Mayores en la próxima legislatura del Parlamento Europeo? – Europapress
AGE Manifesto for the European Parliamant elections and our call for a EU Strategy on older people have been relayed in an article in the...
Age Discrimination exists in the EU labour market – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER
Age Discrimination exists in the EU labour market – Article by Filip Hamro-Drotz from the Confederation of Swedish-Speaking Pensioners in Finland for SPF Newspaper God...
“Our rights, our destiny” – Interview for Spanish TV
AGE Human Rights Manager, Nena Georgantzi, was interviewed for the Barcelona TV’s “Veins” (neighbours) program on Televisió LHdigital L’Hospitalet! in the segment ‘Our Rights, Our Destiny.’ Nena...
Elections du Parlement européen en 2024 – Interview pour Âgo
Interview de Philippe Seidel-Leroy, responsable politique en matière de protection sociale et du Parlement européen chez AGE, au sujet des élections européennes à venir et...
AGE-driven win over ageism – Times of Malta
A European directive that would have penalised older drivers has been rethought. Article, by Gaetan Naudi from the National Association of Pensioners of Malta and...
Long-term Care in Europe: A New Start? – AARP Journal
Long-term Care in Europe: A New Start? – Blog post for AARP Journal, 31 August 2023. “As COVID-19 swept over Europe, thousands of avoidable deaths...
Disability rights at all ages – op-ed for EDF newsletter
Although ageing is often seen as being equal to chronic illness and impairment, older people are a vastly heterogeneous group. In reality, most of us...