Help us make history: Sign the Age With Rights petition !

The Global Alliance on the rights of older persons (GAROP) – of which AGE is a founding member – has launched a petition urging world leaders to start drafting a United Nations convention of older people’s rights without any further delay. We invite you to sign and share this petition to promote a world where we can all #Age with Rights!  

Time to move on!

For over 13 years, the United Nations (UN) has been discussing ways to strengthen the protection of our human rights in older age. More than 800 documents submitted to the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) have provided the necessary evidence on the need to move expeditiously to develop a comprehensive human rights convention on the rights older persons . Yet, such a legally binding instrument has still not been drafted. This has significant negative impacts on the lives of older persons worldwide and needs to change!

The petition launched as part of GAROP campaign #AgeWithRights aims to move things forward. Now, we need a large number of signatures to make a powerful impact! Please sign and share the petition and let the world know that it’s high time to prioritize and safeguard everyone’s rights at all ages.

Spread the word!

Every signature counts. Rally your network, and let’s collect as many signatures as possible.

Together we can make history!

GAROP has prepared some tips and further resources on how you can share the petition as widely as possible to help us get more signatures, including sample social media posts, a template email and a QR code!

We thank you for your support!


Nena Georgantzi

Human Rights Manager

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