Exploring violence against older women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine

Red_Cross_Serbia-logo-round With support provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Red Cross of Serbia worked with international experts on preparing the report on the results of the research “Exploring Violence Against Older Women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine”. This study presents the prevalence, characteristics, and consequences of gender-based violence against older women, as well as the extent to which they seek help from community-based systems of support and how these systems respond to their help-seeking.

The report describes experi­ences of gender-based violence reported by older women (ages 65-74) in the region of Southeast and Eastern Europe. It furthermore presents the prevalence of this type of violence, the frequent perpetrators, risk factors, consequences of violence and reasons for reporting or not reporting. The authors of the report also provided recommendations for public policy improvements based on the results.

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