Ageing with Pride: Healthcare for older LGBTI people in Europe

Organized by the Council of Europe, this online roundtable will delve into critical issues related to healthcare for older LGBTI people, shedding light on challenges and complexities faced by the community with the aim of fostering a better understanding and identify practical solutions for the following key areas:
  1. Overall health situation of older LGBTI people: We shall explore what is known about the health situation of older LGBTI persons as well as the barriers in accessing health care that they may experience because of their SOGIESC.
  2. Human rights violations in health contexts for older LGBTI people: We shall explore challenges to the respect of human rights of older LGBTI persons in health settings such as recognition of intimate partners as next of kin; discrimination faced in residential care and assisted living, long-term consequences of interventions on intersex people, training of health care and care practitioners. We will also explore what inclusive practices in care settings such as residential care facilities look like.
  3. Dementia services, palliative, and end of life care: We shall take a look at the experiences of older LGBTI people living with conditions such as cancer, dementia or other chronic or degenerative conditions and how they are supported particularly in the context of a lack of kinship networks or where being out as an LGBTI person is not an option. We will also discuss what health care providers can do to ensure that LGBTI people feel safe to access care and what inclusive care settings for older LGBTI people may look like.
  4. Community-based interventions and good practice: We shall explore the diversity in care options that are possible and available, such as in-home care solutions, and what can be done to address the risk of loneliness or isolation such as befriending programmes that can provide support to older LGBTI people.
Each session will cover a topic and include:
  • Overview: Presentation on promising practices and needed changes
  • Community Engagement: Insights and reflections from LGBTI communities
  • Member State Perspectives: Views from government representatives
  • Open Discussion: An opportunity for dialogue and collaboration
For more information: download the concept note and the programme

Featured photo credit: Centre for Ageing Better

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