Apply to become one of the EU-funded Ph.D researchers in the field of ageism

EuroAgeism_logo On 16th November the EuroAgeism project, in which AGE is participating, was launched. This project, which is financed through the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Science-Policy Communication, is aimed at changing how we think, feel and act about age. This will be achieved through the training of 15 international Ph.D. Students to bridge the existing gap between science and policy while also advancing the research and policy in the area of ageism. By pursuing 15 research projects it aims to explore the different ways to:

  • improve the active participation of older adults in the workforce;
  • address ageism in relation to access to goods and services,
  • promote an age-friendly society, which helps older adults to realize their full potential.

As the population of Europe continues to grow and the number of older persons outnumbering children worldwide, there is an ever more pressing need to ensure the world is accessible to all ages and that the age of the individual doesn’t restrict them in their daily life. The life expectancy of people is also continuing to rise and therefore the prospect of encountering ageism is shared by all members of society.

The project EuroAgeism is a multi-disciplinary, multi-sectorial, international network of researchers, policy makers, and social and health care professionals. This network will be dedicated to the training of Early Stage Researchers working in the field of ageism and will allow these graduates of the program to capture positions as scientists, educators, science advisers, policy advocates, lobbyists, or legislators in the field of ageism. During a 3-year period AGE will host a researcher who will evaluate how non-discrimination law influences the inclusion of older persons. In collaboration with the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) the student will be awared a Ph.D upon successful completion of their study requirements.

Those who are considering applying to be one of the 15 early stage researchers (ESR) for a 3-year fully funded Ph.D. program should have a background in the areas of psychology, sociology, social psychology, political sciences, social work, economy, clinical pharmacy, engineering, design, social networks, geography, nursing, gerontology, gender studies, labour studies, anthropology, law or other related fields.

The deadline for applications has been extended to 28th February 2018. For more information regarding the program, the conditions of application and other details regarding the call please follow this link.

For more information you may contact Nena Georgantzi:, Maciej Kucharczyk:, or Anne-Sophie Parent:

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