23 November 2010
At the eve of the Conference of the Belgian Presidency on Dementia, AGE Platform Europe has just issues a position paper stressing the need to tackle all dimensions of mental diseases, from prevention to measures in support of informal carers, and suggesting seven recommendations to EU and national policy makers:
1. Create an “Alzheimer friendly” environment;
2. Improve quality of life of patients without relying only on medication;
3. Support informal carers;
4. Ensure adequate financing to tackle inequalities and ensure quality;
5. Change the way society looks at dementia;
6. Promote healthy ageing and well-being of older people;
7. Use the Open Method of Coordination to develop and exchange good practices.
AGE Position Paper “Position on Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias: widen the debate beyond care and treatment issues”, PDF Format, WORD Format