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SHAPES developed an open platform for integrated care, including technological, organisational, clinical, educational and societal solutions.
InAdvance project proposed a new model of palliative care based on early integration and personalised pathways addressed specifically to older people with complex chronic conditions.
The project supports cooperation between different sectors (care, protection and social services, judiciary and police etc.), to support older women who experience violence and abuse.
EU Navigate
EU Navigate helps older people with cancer and their families navigate health care systems, evaluating the effectiveness of the interdisciplinary, cross-country and intersectoral intervention.
COVID resilience
Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities in long-term care in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).
e-VITA aims to improve wellbeing of older adults in Europe and Japan with the support of a virtual coach offering tailored recommendations on healthy ageing.
ValueCare proposes a new model for the delivery of care focused on empowering older people, rewarding providers for better outcomes, and fostering overall well-being.
WE4AHA was the Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA).
Digital Health Europe – DHE
DHE supported the large-scale deployment of solutions for person-centred, integrated care and developed a multi-stakeholder community to advance the digital transformation of health and care....
NESTORE, delivered a prototype for a virtual coach to motivate healthy and active ageing, particularly relevant in post-COVID era.
Mapping needs and competences of home care professionals to train them and set up a European Community of Practice on resources and exchanges
FrailSafe used technology collecting relevant data to detect patterns helping physicians, practitioners and carers prevent frailty through early intervention.
ATHLOS compared 20 international studies on over 340 000 individuals to come up with a new definition of “old age”.
PROMISS developed dietary and physical activity strategies and new food concepts and products with a special focus on protein malnutrition.
A roadmap for integrated care based on initiatives of 14 European sites, adaptable and applicable to other health systems and regions in Europe
i-PROGNOSIS aimed to develop an application for smartphone and smartwatch to early detect Parkinson’s disease.
WeDO : Wellbeing and Dignity for Older people
WeDO: A European Partnership for the Wellbeing and Dignity of Older people What is the WeDO project? The WeDO project (2010-2012) was a European project...
OASIS – Project overview and conclusions
OASIS – Open architecture for Accessible Services Integration and Standardisation Project number: 215754 Project acronym: OASIS Project full title: OASIS – Open Architecture...
HOME SWEET HOME – Health monitoring and sOcial integration environMEnt for Supporting WidE ExTension of independent life at HOME Project number: 250449 Project acronym:...
DAPHNE Eustacea – A European Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse
With the support of the European Commission’s Daphne III Programme, AGE worked a project with a network of 11 partner organisations to develop: A European...
INNOVAGE – Social Innovation promoting Active and Healthy Ageing
INNOVAGE – Social Innovation promoting Active and Healthy Ageing – is an FP7 project dedicated to developing and testing, as well as surveying and cataloguing,...
Families and Societies
Families and Societies is a major European research project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme with the aim to investigate the diversity of family forms,...