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Qualitative research on diagnoses and plans of age-friendly cities and communities. A global view of the Spanish Network
The Imserso, WHO’s collaborating agency in Spain, has presented the Qualitative research on diagnoses and plans for age-friendly cities and communities. An overview of the...
Social housing and beyond – Operational toolkit on the use of EU funds
This toolkit provides an overview of the types of funding available at EU level to promote social and affordable housing and accompanying services in the...
Climate justice in an ageing world
While the ageing of the world’s population is becoming one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century, climate change has the potential...
Reducing Older People’s Deaths on European Roads
This report from the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) explores how to improve road safety for older people in Europe. Part I of this report...
Ensuring access to public services for older people in digital societies
A new report by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons and maps current legislation...
Strategies for Creating an Age-friendly City: Hong Kong as a case study
The current United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030), with its emphasis on functional ability (rather than presence or absence of diseases; or mortality), is...
Access to essential services: key challenges for the most vulnerable
According to the report from the European Commission, people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU have difficulties in accessing essential services...
Silver Empowerment
By focusing on the strengths and connections of older persons, silver empowerment strives for an inclusive, age-friendly society that will allow everyone to grow old...
National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: a guide
In 2020 the world Health Organization (WHO) launched its Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. since then the global age-friendly community has grown and...
The impact of demographic change in a changing environment
This report from the European Commission presents the drivers of demographic change and their impact across Europe, updating and developing the Demography Report issued in...
‘I used to have a home’ – Amnesty International report on older people in Ukraine
The new report by Amnesty International, ‘I used to have a home’: Older people’s experience of war, displacement, and access to housing in Ukraine’, documents...
Baromètre de l’Inclusion numérique en Belgique
Le nouveau Baromètre de l’Inclusion numérique de la Fondation Roi Baudouin révèle la numérisation accrue de notre société depuis la crise sanitaire : plus que...
Factors impacting older people’s access/experience of digital public services during COVID-19
This study, undetook by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester (ARC-GM), aims to understand the factors – both the barriers and enablers – that...
Doing digital in later life: a practical guide
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Good Things Foundation have joined forces to produce a brand-new practical guide to support more people to get...
The digital era? Also my Era!
How can digitalisation support active and healthy ageing, improve the quality of life, help to give back independence to older persons to ensure their full...
Global report on assistive technology – WHO & UNICEF
Access to appropriate, quality assistive technology can mean the difference between enabling or denying education for a child, participation in the workforce for an adult,...
Facilitator handbook: Learning the digital
Published in the frame of the project DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship, this handbook for educators presents training methodologies and...
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021-30 in a Climate-changing World
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Connection Series explores the relationships between the Decade of Healthy Ageing and key global issues. This third advocacy brief...
Ageing policies – access to services in different Member States
This study report, requested by the EMPL committee of the European Parliament, focuses on active ageing policies and access to services for the ageing population...
The ageing revolution: towards a European Silver Deal?
The project ‘Adapting European Cities to Population Ageing‘ (ACPA), which came to en end in the first half of 2020, aimed to support European cities...