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Addressing ageism: a key priority for a society of longevity
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) looks at the prevalence and impact of ageism on individuals and society in a series of policy briefs....
Human rights training toolkit – HelpAge International
The human rights training toolkit provides guidance on what human rights are, how they apply in older age, how to champion them and how to...
‘Are you ageist?’ – Older people’s perceptions of ageism in Northern Ireland
This recent report by the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland (COPNI) details findings on ageism from extensive consultations carried out with older people...
Making older persons visible in the sustainable development goals’ monitoring framework and indicators
In 2015, the world reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable development by endorsing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs. Indicators for monitoring...
State of World Population Report 2023: 8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities
This report from the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) explores how people – the general public, policymakers, academics and others – understand...
Making the Invisible Visible: an analysis of older lesbians lived experiences
The experiences of older lesbians in Europe have been largely invisible in research and society, with little attention paid to their financial situation, access to...
“I’ve lost the life I knew” – Older people’s experiences of the Ukraine war
This report from HelpAge International shows that older people’s human rights are at risk as a result of the war in Ukraine, despite significant efforts...
National Framework for Comprehensive Victim Support
A national system for victim support is necessary to ensure a stable, comprehensive solution that progressively addresses the multiple needs of diverse victim populations. To...
Reframing Aging Through Images: Recommendations from Research
Just like words, images play an important role in the implicit messages we send about older people. We can note can people over 50 have...
Social experimentation: A practical guide for project promoters
This guide provides a solid understanding of social experimentation and practical advice for project development. It includes a variety of examples on tools, models, and...
Advancing equality for older people
In its report, HelpAge International and Equal Rights Trust examine and compare the legal frameworks for prohibiting age discrimination in 12 countries from across the...
Exploring violence against older women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine
With support provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Red Cross of Serbia worked with international experts on preparing the report on the...
Older Women: Inequality at the Intersection of Age and Gender
This advocacy brief from the United Nations explores some areas where ageism intersects with gender-based discrimination. The gendered nature of aging plays an important role...
Guidelines for Age-Inclusive Communication
Initiated by eight leading ageing organisations in the US, Changing the Narrative is a strategic communications and awareness campaign to increase understanding of ageism and...
20th Asia-Europe Meeting on Human Rights of Older Persons: report and recommendations
The Asia-Europe Foundation and its partners have published the findings and recommendations of the 20th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights – “Human Rights of...
Protecting civic space in the EU
Civil society organisations play a vital role in promoting fundamental rights, but they face diverse challenges across the European Union. This report presents FRA’s findings...
Challenging ageism: A guide to talking about ageing and older age
The Center for Ageing Better has launched a new guide to help organisations challenge ageism, tackling the negative stereotypes which are all too common in...
Ageing and Health: The Politics of Better Policies
This book, published by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, uses new evidence to challenge some of the myths surrounding ageing and its...
European social charter and ageism – Council of Europe report
Officially publihsed on 27th September by the Council of Europe, this report examines the current use and future potential of the European Social Charter. The...
Reframing ageing: Public perceptions of ageing, older age and demographic change
This report from the UK Centre for Ageing Better builds on previous research to better understand public attitudes towards ageing and older age. It examines...
The 2021 Ageing Report: Economic and Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States
The report presents projections showing the long-term economic and budgetary impact of ageing populations. Those projections show in which countries, when, and to what extent...
Quick guide to avoid ageism in communication
The way we communicate affects how people think, feel and act towards different age groups. In order to challenge age discrimination and break down stereotypes,...
Ageism and Digital Technology – EuroAgeism policy brief
A new policy brief sheds a light on ageism as a barrier to the adoption and use of digital technology in later life and suggests...
United Nations Global report on ageism
The United Nations report presents the latest evidence on the nature and magnitude of ageism, as well as its determinants and impact. It also outlines...