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Loneliness and social exclusion among older Europeans before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
This e-book is the main output of a knowledge sharing process organised by the Joint Programming Initiative “More Years Better Lives – The Potential and...
Older Persons in Vulnerable Situations – Policy Brief
At any age, intersecting factors such as poverty, disability, social isolation and exposure to abuse can increase the risk of vulnerability and weaken resilience in...
Addressing loneliness & social isolation among older people in Europe
This Policy Brief by the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research looks at loneliness and social isolation as factors influencing the wellbeing and...
2021 Pension Adequacy Report
The 2021 Pension adequacy report, jointly prepared by the European Commission and the Social Protection Committee, provides a state of play of long-term care provision...
A Wrinkle in the Process: Financial Inclusion Barriers in an Ageing Europe
This report by Finance Watch looks at vulnerability among older people in the European Union and the barriers they face that limit their access to...
Social Exclusion in Later Life
There is a pressing need to address stagnated debates on social exclusion in later life, and the deficits in research and policy that they sustain....
Employment and Social Developments in Europe: 2020 report addresses social fairness and solidarity
The 2020 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe annual review provides evidence-based analysis on how to achieve greater fairness across the EU...
Long-Term and Pension Savings: The Real Return – 2020 edition
BETTER FINANCE has released the eighth edition of its report on the Real Return of Long-Term and Pension Savings (shorter version here). The report reveals...
Isolement des personnes âgées: les effets du confinement en France
Ce rapport, publié par les ‘Petits Frères des Pauvres’, synthétise les résultats d’une étude sur la solitude et l’isolement des personnes âgées en France pendant...