ZDUS joins an EU project to improve carers’ knowledge of dementia


AGE’s member from Slovenia ZDUS is partnering with the Italian health institution AslTo3 on the new the European project Move your Hands for Dementia (MYH4D). During two years the project partners, including health professionals, education and MYHFD-project-logo NGO sectors from Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Spain, will work to improve health literacy on dementia. The project will mainly target adult educators, but also people with dementia, family and informal carers, education leaders and policy makers.

MYH4D will create a massive open online course “Be Connected” for adult educators, implement two community practices for adult educators and people with dementia and their family members, and publish a guide for improving education strategies and policies related to dementia.

ZDUS_logo The need to improve knowledge on dementia among people caring for people with dementia was further emphasized in a series of interviews of Slovenian informal carers carried out by ZDUS in March 2021.

Read more on ZDUS involvement in MYH4D and the collected testimonies in this article.

For more information on the project, please visit the project website or Project Facebook page: MYH4D European Project.

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