VulnerABLE project: final dissemination conference

Vulnerable_project_2017_illustration The VulnerABLE project is a two-year pilot initiative of the European Commission (DG SANTE), run by ICF, in partnership with EuroHealthNet, the UCL Institute of Health Equity, the European Public Health Alliance, Social Platform and GfK. The projects aims to increase our understanding of how best to improve the health of people who are living in vulnerable and isolated situations across Europe. Specific vulnerable and isolated populations are targeted such as children and families from disadvantaged backgrounds; those living in rural/isolated areas; those with physical, mental and learning disabilities or poor mental health; the long-term unemployed; the inactive; the ‘in-work poor’; older people; victims of domestic violence and intimate partner violence; people with unstable housing situations (the homeless); and prisoners.

More details on the project here

Click here to view the agenda of the event and here to register

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