18 July 2011 – AgenceEurope – AGE response to Commission recommendation on challenges of ageing

18/07/2011 (Agence Europe) – AGE Platform response to Commission recommendation on challenges of ageing. “It is very urgent to find innovative solutions to better adapt our societies to the needs of our rapidly ageing population and AGE is really pleased to see that this objective is now a priority on the EU agenda.” That was the reaction of AGE Platform Europe Secretary General Anne-Sophie Parent to the Commission recommendation “More years, better lives – the potential and challenges of demographic change”. This new initiative should help mobilise stakeholders and take advantage of national resources and expertise to effectively address what has now become one of the biggest challenges for the coming decades, Parent added in a press release. The recommendation calls on member states to join the EU joint programming initiative which will seek to develop a common strategic research agenda on ageing (see EUROPE 10420). (G.B./transl.rt)

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